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110學年上學期 高中 龍騰版 英文科 2年級 教學光碟

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110學年上學期 高中 龍騰版 英文科 2年級 教學光碟
110學年上學期 高中 龍騰版 英文科 2年級 教學光碟


1-1 玩出英文力-課程計畫表.pdf
1-2 玩出英文力-課程計畫表(補充說明).pdf
1-3 玩出英文力-學習單與期中作業.pdf
1-4 玩出英文力-期末表現任務說明.pdf
1-5 玩出英文力-團隊合作學生互評表.pdf
1-6 玩出英文力-團隊合作多元評量表.pdf
1-7 玩出英文力-期末課程線上問卷回饋.pdf

2-1 旅遊英文-課程計畫表.pdf
2-2 旅遊英文-課程心得.pdf

3-1 英語繪本創作-課程計畫表.pdf
3-2 英語繪本創作-課程計畫表(補充說明).pdf
3-3 英語繪本創作-課程心得.pdf

4-1 英語小說閱讀-課程計畫表(中文).pdf
4-2 英語小說閱讀-課程計畫表(English).pdf
4-3 英語小說閱讀-課程心得.pdf

B05_TED Talk與國際禮儀
5-1 TED Talk與國際禮儀-課程介紹.pdf
5-2 TED Talk與國際禮儀-課程計畫表.pdf
5-3 TED Talk與國際禮儀-課程學習單.pdf
5-4 TED Talk與國際禮儀-課程心得.pdf

B06_TED Talk與簡報教學
6-1 TED Talk與簡報教學-課程介紹.pdf
6-2 TED Talk與簡報教學-課程進度表.pdf
6-3 TED Talk與簡報教學-課堂學習單.pdf
6-4 TED Talk與簡報教學-Evaluation Sheet.pdf
6-5 TED Talk與簡報教學-課程心得(1).pdf
6-6 TED Talk與簡報教學-課程心得(2).pdf
6-7 TED Talk與簡報教學-補充資料(演講主題).pdf
6-8 TED Talk與簡報教學-補充資料(實用轉折語).pdf
6-9 TED Talk與簡報教學-補充資料(逐字稿格式).pdf


B3-全冊解答-All in One.docx

D01_L1_The Day I Broke the Rules
L01-寫作手冊pdf檔(Writing about a Challenge You Overcame).pdf
L01-課本pdf檔(The Day I Broke the Rules).pdf
L01-寫作手冊word檔(Writing about a Challenge You Overcame).docx
L01-課本word檔(The Day I Broke the Rules).docx
L01-課文中英對照 (The Day I Broke the Rules).docx
L01-寫作手冊pdf檔(套紅)(Writing about a Challenge You Overcame).pdf
L01-寫作手冊pdf檔(對頁)(Writing about a Challenge You Overcame).pdf
L01-教師用書pdf檔(套紅)(The Day I Broke the Rules).pdf
L01-教師用書pdf檔(對頁)(The Day I Broke the Rules).pdf
L01-寫作手冊word檔(套紅)(Writing about a Challenge You Overcame).docx
L01-寫作手冊word檔(對頁)(Writing about a Challenge You Overcame).docx
L01-教師用書word檔(套紅)(The Day I Broke the Rules).docx
L01-教師用書word檔(對頁)(The Day I Broke the Rules).docx
L01- 課本PPT(The Day I Broke the Rules).pptx
L01-See a Film影片學習單(學用)(The Day I Broke the Rules).docx
L01-See a Film影片學習單(教用)(The Day I Broke the Rules).docx
L01-Thinking Ahead影片學習單(學用)(The Day I Broke the Rules).docx
L01-Thinking Ahead影片學習單(教用)(The Day I Broke the Rules).docx
L01-單字學習單(學用)(The Day I Broke the Rules).docx
L01-單字學習單(教用)(The Day I Broke the Rules).docx
L01-語用活動學習單(學用)(The Day I Broke the Rules).docx
L01-語用活動學習單(教用)(The Day I Broke the Rules).docx
L01-課文學習單(學用)(The Day I Broke the Rules).docx
L01-課文學習單(教用)(The Day I Broke the Rules).docx
L01-素養活動手冊(學用版)(The Day I Broke the Rules).docx
L01-素養活動手冊(教用版)(The Day I Broke the Rules).docx
L01-英文隨身讀(The Day I Broke the Rules).docx
L01-習作簿(學用版)(The Day I Broke the Rules).docx
L01-習作簿(教用版)(The Day I Broke the Rules).docx
L01-習作簿(簡答)(The Day I Broke the Rules).docx
L01-All in One(學用版)(The Day I Broke the Rules).docx
L01-All in One(教用版)(The Day I Broke the Rules).docx
L01-All in One(簡答)(The Day I Broke the Rules).docx
L01-三合一學習手冊(學用版)(The Day I Broke the Rules).docx
L01-三合一學習手冊(教用版)(The Day I Broke the Rules).docx
L01-三合一學習手冊(簡答)(The Day I Broke the Rules).docx
L01-素養活動手冊(學用版)(The Day I Broke the Rules).docx
L01-素養活動手冊(教用版)(The Day I Broke the Rules).docx
L01-課本單片中翻英(簡答)(The Day I Broke the Rules).docx
L01-課本單片中翻英(題目)(The Day I Broke the Rules).docx
L01-課本例句填空(簡答)(The Day I Broke the Rules).docx
L01-課本例句填空(題目)(The Day I Broke the Rules).docx
L01-課文單片填空(簡答)(The Day I Broke the Rules).docx
L01-課文單片填空(題目)(The Day I Broke the Rules).docx
L01-課文文法填空(簡答)(The Day I Broke the Rules).docx
L01-課文文法填空(題目)(The Day I Broke the Rules).docx
L01-課文綜合測驗(簡答)(The Day I Broke the Rules).docx
L01-課文綜合測驗(題目)(The Day I Broke the Rules).docx
L01-聽力測驗卷(卷一)(The Day I Broke the Rules).zip
L01-聽力測驗卷(卷二)(The Day I Broke the Rules).zip
L01-單字學習單(學用)(The Day I Broke the Rules).docx
L01-單字學習單(教用)(The Day I Broke the Rules).docx
L01-See a Film影片(中英字幕對照)(The Day I Broke the Rules).docx
L01-See a Film影片學習單(學用)(The Day I Broke the Rules).docx
L01-See a Film影片學習單(教用)(The Day I Broke the Rules).docx
L01-Thinking Ahead影片(中英字幕對照)(The Day I Broke the Rules).docx
L01-Thinking Ahead影片學習單(學用)(The Day I Broke the Rules).docx
L01-Thinking Ahead影片學習單(教用)(The Day I Broke the Rules).docx
L01-課文學習單(學用)(The Day I Broke the Rules).docx
L01-課文學習單(教用)(The Day I Broke the Rules).docx
L01-語用活動學習單(學用)(The Day I Broke the Rules).docx
L01-語用活動學習單(教用)(The Day I Broke the Rules).docx
L01-課文動畫(中英字幕對照)(The Day I Broke the Rules)(03:51) [xyz88].mp4
L01-課文動畫(無字幕版)(The Day I Broke the Rules)(03:51) [xyz88].mp4
L01-課文動畫(英文字幕版)(The Day I Broke the Rules)(03:51) [xyz88].mp4
L01-課本Thinking Ahead(中英字幕對照)(The Day I Broke the Rules).docx
L01-課本Thinking Ahead影片(中英字幕版)(The Day I Broke the Rules)(03:04) [xyz88].mp4
L01-課本Thinking Ahead影片(無字幕版)(The Day I Broke the Rules)(03:04) [xyz88].mp4
L01-課本Thinking Ahead影片(英文字幕版)(The Day I Broke the Rules)(03:04) [xyz88].mp4
L01-補充影片與網站(The Day I Broke the Rules).docx

D02_L2_The Marshmallow Challenge
L02-寫作手冊pdf檔(Writing about Your Work Style).pdf
L02-課本pdf檔(The Marshmallow Challenge).pdf
L02-寫作手冊word檔(Writing about Your Work Style).docx
L02-課本word檔(The Marshmallow Challenge).docx
L02-課文中英對照 (The Marshmallow Challenge).docx
L02-寫作手冊pdf檔(套紅)(Writing about Your Work Style).pdf
L02-寫作手冊pdf檔(對頁)(Writing about Your Work Style).pdf
L02-教師用書pdf檔(套紅)(The Mashmallow Challenge).pdf
L02-教師用書pdf檔(對頁)(The Mashmallow Challenge).pdf
L02-寫作手冊word檔(套紅)(Writing about Your Work Style).docx
L02-寫作手冊word檔(對頁)(Writing about Your Work Style).docx
L02-教師用書word檔(套紅)(The Marshmallow Challenge).docx
L02-教師用書word檔(對頁)(The Marshmallow Challenge).docx
L02- 課本PPT(The Marshmallow Challenge).pptx
L02-See a Film影片學習單(學用)(The Marshmallow Challenge).docx
L02-See a Film影片學習單(教用)(The Marshmallow Challenge).docx
L02-Thinking Ahead影片學習單(學用)(The Marshmallow Challenge).docx
L02-Thinking Ahead影片學習單(教用)(The Marshmallow Challenge).docx
L02-單字學習單(學用)(The Marshmallow Challenge).docx
L02-單字學習單(教用)(The Marshmallow Challenge).docx
L02-語用活動學習單(學用)(The Marshmallow Challenge).docx
L02-語用活動學習單(教用)(The Marshmallow Challenge).docx
L02-課文學習單(學用)(The Marshmallow Challenge).docx
L02-課文學習單(教用)(The Marshmallow Challenge).docx
L02-素養活動手冊(學用版)(The Marshmallow Challenge).docx
L02-素養活動手冊(教用版)(The Marshmallow Challenge).docx
L02-素養活動手冊影片(中英字幕版)(The Marshmallow Challenge)(05:11) [xyz88].mp4
L02-素養活動手冊影片(無字幕版)(The Marshmallow Challenge)(05:11) [xyz88].mp4
L02-素養活動手冊影片(英文字幕版)(The Marshmallow Challenge)(05:11) [xyz88].mp4
L02-英文隨身讀(The Marshmallow Challenge).docx
L02-習作簿(學用版)(The Marshmallow Challenge).docx
L02-習作簿(教用版)(The Marshmallow Challenge).docx
L02-習作簿(簡答)(The Marshmallow Challenge).docx
L02-All in One(學用版)(The Marshmallow Challenge).docx
L02-All in One(教用版)(The Marshmallow Challenge).docx
L02-All in One(簡答)(The Marshmallow Challenge).docx
L02-三合一學習手冊(學用版)(The Marshmallow Challenge).docx
L02-三合一學習手冊(教用版)(The Marshmallow Challenge).docx
L02-三合一學習手冊(簡答)(The Marshmallow Challenge).docx
L02-素養活動手冊(學用版)(The Marshmallow Challenge).docx
L02-素養活動手冊(教用版)(The Marshmallow Challenge).docx
L02-素養活動手冊影片(中英字幕版)(The Marshmallow Challenge)(05:11) [xyz88].mp4
L02-素養活動手冊影片(無字幕版)(The Marshmallow Challenge)(05:11) [xyz88].mp4
L02-素養活動手冊影片(英文字幕版)(The Marshmallow Challenge)(05:11) [xyz88].mp4
L02-課本單片中翻英(簡答)(The Marshmallow Challenge).docx
L02-課本單片中翻英(題目)(The Marshmallow Challenge).docx
L02-課本例句填空(簡答)(The Marshmallow Challange).docx
L02-課本例句填空(題目)(The Marshmallow Challange).docx
L02-課文單片填空(簡答)(The Marshmallow Challenge).docx
L02-課文單片填空(題目)(The Marshmallow Challenge).docx
L02-課文文法填空(簡答)(The Marshmallow Challenge).docx
L02-課文文法填空(題目)(The Marshmallow Challenge).docx
L02-課文綜合測驗(簡答)(The Marshmallow Challenge).docx
L02-課文綜合測驗(題目)(The Marshmallow Challenge).docx
L02-聽力測驗卷(卷一)(The Marshmallow Challenge).zip
L02-聽力測驗卷(卷二)(The Marshmallow Challenge).zip
L02-單字學習單(學用)(The Marshmallow Challenge).docx
L02-單字學習單(教用)(The Marshmallow Challenge).docx
L02-See a Film影片(中英字幕對照)(The Marshmallow Challenge).docx
L02-See a Film影片學習單(學用)(The Marshmallow Challenge).docx
L02-See a Film影片學習單(教用)(The Marshmallow Challenge).docx
L02-Thinking Ahead影片(中英字幕對照)(The Marshmallow Challenge).docx
L02-Thinking Ahead影片學習單(學用)(The Marshmallow Challenge).docx
L02-Thinking Ahead影片學習單(教用)(The Marshmallow Challenge).docx
L02-課文學習單(學用)(The Marshmallow Challenge).docx
L02-課文學習單(教用)(The Marshmallow Challenge).docx
L02-語用活動學習單(學用)(The Marshmallow Challenge).docx
L02-語用活動學習單(教用)(The Marshmallow Challenge).docx
L02-課文動畫(中英文字幕對照)(The Marshmallow Challenge)(03:39) [xyz88].mp4
L02-課文動畫(無字幕版)(The Marshmallow Challenge)(03:39) [xyz88].mp4
L02-課文動畫(英文字幕版)(The Marshmallow Challenge)(03:39) [xyz88].mp4
L02-課本Thinking Ahead影片(中英字幕對照)(The Marshmallow Challenge).docx
L02-課本Thinking Ahead影片(中英字幕版)(The Marshmallow Challenge)(02:38) [xyz88].mp4
L02-課本Thinking Ahead影片(無字幕版)(The Marshmallow Challenge)(02:38) [xyz88].mp4
L02-課本Thinking Ahead影片(英文字幕版)(The Marshmallow Challenge)(02:38) [xyz88].mp4
L02-素養活動手冊影片(中英字幕版)(The Marshmallow Challenge)(05:11) [xyz88].mp4
L02-素養活動手冊影片(無字幕版)(The Marshmallow Challenge)(05:11) [xyz88].mp4
L02-素養活動手冊影片(英文字幕版)(The Marshmallow Challenge)(05:11) [xyz88].mp4
L02-補充影片與網站(The Marshmallow Challenge).docx

L03-寫作手冊pdf檔(Summarizing a Picture Book).pdf
L03-寫作手冊word檔(Summarizing a Picture Book).docx
L03-課文中英對照 (Prometheus).docx
L03-寫作手冊pdf檔(套紅)(Summarizing a Picture Book).pdf
L03-寫作手冊pdf檔(對頁)(Summarizing a Picture Book).pdf
L03-寫作手冊word檔(套紅)(Summarizing a Picture Book).docx
L03-寫作手冊word檔(對頁)(Summarizing a Picture Book).docx
L03- 課本PPT(Prometheus).pptx
L03-See a Film影片學習單(學用)(Prometheus).docx
L03-See a Film影片學習單(教用)(Prometheus).docx
L03-Thinking Ahead影片學習單(學用)(Prometheus).docx
L03-Thinking Ahead影片學習單(教用)(Prometheus).docx
L03-All in One(學用版)(Prometheus).docx
L03-All in One(教用版)(Prometheus).docx
L03-All in One(簡答)(Prometheus).docx
L03-See a Film影片(中英字幕對照)(Prometheus).docx
L03-See a Film影片學習單(學用)(Prometheus).docx
L03-See a Film影片學習單(教用)(Prometheus).docx
L03-Thinking Ahead影片(中英字幕對照)(Prometheus).docx
L03-Thinking Ahead影片學習單(學用)(Prometheus).docx
L03-Thinking Ahead影片學習單(教用)(Prometheus).docx
L03-課文動畫(中英字幕對照)(Prometheus)(03:14) [xyz88].mp4
L03-課文動畫(無字幕版)(Prometheus)(03:15) [xyz88].mp4
L03-課文動畫(英文字幕版)(Prometheus)(03:15) [xyz88].mp4
L03-課本Thinking Ahead影片(中英字幕對照)(Prometheus).docx
L03-課本Thinking Ahead影片(中英字幕版)(Prometheus)(03:15) [xyz88].mp4
L03-課本Thinking Ahead影片(無字幕版)(Prometheus)(03:15) [xyz88].mp4
L03-課本Thinking Ahead影片(英文字幕版)(Prometheus)(03:15) [xyz88].mp4

D04_R1_3-D Printing
R01-課本pdf檔(3-D Printing).pdf
R01-課本word檔(3-D Printing).docx
R01-課文中英對照 (3-D Printing).docx
R01-教師用書pdf檔(套紅)(3-D Printing).pdf
R01-教師用書pdf檔(對頁)(3-D Printing).pdf
R01-教師用書word檔(套紅)(3-D Printing).docx
R01-教師用書word檔(對頁)(3-D Printing).docx
R01- 課本PPT(3-D Printing).pptx
R01-英文隨身讀(3-D Printing).docx
R01-習作簿(學用版)(3-D Printing).docx
R01-習作簿(教用版)(3-D Printing).docx
R01-習作簿(簡答)(3-D Printing).docx
R01-All in One(學用版)(3-D Printing).docx
R01-All in One(教用版)(3-D Printing).docx
R01-All in One(簡答)(3-D Printing).docx
R01-三合一學習手冊(學用版)(3-D Printing).docx
R01-三合一學習手冊(教用版)(3-D Printing).docx
R01-三合一學習手冊(簡答)(3-D Printing).docx
R01-課本單片中翻英(簡答)(3-D Printing).docx
R01-課本單片中翻英(題目)(3-D Printing).docx
R01-課本例句填空(簡答)(3-D Printing).docx
R01-課本例句填空(題目)(3-D Printing).docx
R01-課文單片填空(簡答)(3-D Printing).docx
R01-課文單片填空(題目)(3-D Printing).docx
R01-課文文法填空(簡答)(3-D Printing).docx
R01-課文文法填空(題目)(3-D Printing).docx
R01-課文綜合測驗(簡答)(3-D Printing).docx
R01-課文綜合測驗(題目)(3-D Printing).docx
R01-聽力測驗卷(卷一)(3-D Printing).zip
R01-聽力測驗卷(卷二)(3-D Printing).zip
R01-課文動畫(中英字幕對照)(3-D Printing)(04:06) [xyz88].mp4
R01-課文動畫(無字幕版)(3-D Printing)(04:06) [xyz88].mp4
R01-課文動畫(英文字幕版)(3-D Printing)(04:06) [xyz88].mp4
R01-補充影片與網站(3-D Printing).docx

D05_L4_Day of the Dead
L04-寫作手冊pdf檔(Introducing a Festival).pdf
L04-課本pdf檔(Day of the Dead).pdf
L04-寫作手冊word檔(Introducing a Festival).docx
L04-課本word檔(Day of the Dead).docx
L04-課文中英對照 (Day of the Dead).docx
L04-寫作手冊pdf檔(套紅)(Introducing a Festival).pdf
L04-寫作手冊pdf檔(對頁)(Introducing a Festival).pdf
L04-教師用書pdf檔(套紅)(Day of the Dead).pdf
L04-教師用書pdf檔(對頁)(Day of the Dead).pdf
L04-寫作手冊word檔(套紅)(Introducing a Festival).docx
L04-寫作手冊word檔(對頁)(Introducing a Festival).docx
L04-教師用書word檔(套紅)(Day of the Dead).docx
L04-教師用書word檔(對頁)(Day of the Dead).docx
L04- 課本PPT(Day of the Dead).pptx
L04-See a Film影片學習單(學用)(Day of the Dead).docx
L04-See a Film影片學習單(教用)(Day of the Dead).docx
L04-Thinking Ahead影片學習單(學用)(Day of the Dead).docx
L04-Thinking Ahead影片學習單(教用)(Day of the Dead).docx
L04-單字學習單(學用)(Day of the Dead).docx
L04-單字學習單(教用)(Day of the Dead).docx
L04-語用活動學習單(學用)(Day of the Dead).docx
L04-語用活動學習單(教用)(Day of the Dead).docx
L04-課文學習單(學用)(Day of the Dead).docx
L04-課文學習單(教用)(Day of the Dead).docx
L04-課本Thinking Ahead影片(中英字幕版)(Day of the Dead)(04:58) [xyz88].mp4
L04-課本Thinking Ahead影片(無字幕版)(Day of the Dead)(04:58) [xyz88].mp4
L04-課本Thinking Ahead影片(英文字幕版)(Day of the Dead)(04:58) [xyz88].mp4
L04-素養活動手冊(學用版)(Day of the Dead).docx
L04-素養活動手冊(教用版)(Day of the Dead).docx
L04-英文隨身讀(Day of the Dead).docx
L04-習作簿(學用版)(Day of the Dead).docx
L04-習作簿(教用版)(Day of the Dead).docx
L04-習作簿(簡答)(Day of the Dead).docx
L04-All in One(學用版)(Day of the Dead).docx
L04-All in One(教用版)(Day of the Dead).docx
L04-All in One(簡答)(Day of the Dead).docx
L04-三合一學習手冊(學用版)(Day of the Dead).docx
L04-三合一學習手冊(教用版)(Day of the Dead).docx
L04-三合一學習手冊(簡答)(Day of the Dead).docx
L04-素養活動手冊(學用版)(Day of the Dead).docx
L04-素養活動手冊(教用版)(Day of the Dead).docx
L04-課本單片中翻英(簡答)(Day of the Dead).docx
L04-課本單片中翻英(題目)(Day of the Dead).docx
L04-課本例句填空(簡答)(Day of the Dead).docx
L04-課本例句填空(題目)(Day of the Dead).docx
L04-課文單片填空(簡答)(Day of the Dead).docx
L04-課文單片填空(題目)(Day of the Dead).docx
L04-課文文法填空(簡答)(Day of the Dead).docx
L04-課文文法填空(題目)(Day of the Dead).docx
L04-課文綜合測驗(簡答)(Day of the Dead).docx
L04-課文綜合測驗(題目)(Day of the Dead).docx
L04-聽力測驗卷(卷一)(Day of the Dead).zip
L04-聽力測驗卷(卷二)(Day of the Dead).zip
L04-單字學習單(學用)(Day of the Dead).docx
L04-單字學習單(教用)(Day of the Dead).docx
L04-See a Film影片(中英字幕對照)(Day of the Dead).docx
L04-See a Film影片學習單(學用)(Day of the Dead).docx
L04-See a Film影片學習單(教用)(Day of the Dead).docx
L04-Thinking Ahead影片(中英字幕對照)(Day of the Dead).docx
L04-Thinking Ahead影片學習單(學用)(Day of the Dead).docx
L04-Thinking Ahead影片學習單(教用)(Day of the Dead).docx
L04-課文學習單(學用)(Day of the Dead).docx
L04-課文學習單(教用)(Day of the Dead).docx
L04-語用活動學習單(學用)(Day of the Dead).docx
L04-語用活動學習單(教用)(Day of the Dead).docx
L04-課文動畫(中英字幕對照)(Day of the Dead)(03:50) [xyz88].mp4
L04-課文動畫(無字幕版)(Day of the Dead)(03:50) [xyz88].mp4
L04-課文動畫(英文字幕版)(Day of the Dead)(03:50) [xyz88].mp4
L04-課本Thinking Ahead影片(中英字幕對照)(Day of the Dead).docx
L04-課本Thinking Ahead影片(中英字幕版)(Day of the Dead)(04:58) [xyz88].mp4
L04-課本Thinking Ahead影片(無字幕版)(Day of the Dead)(04:58) [xyz88].mp4
L04-課本Thinking Ahead影片(英文字幕版)(Day of the Dead)(04:58) [xyz88].mp4
L04-補充影片與網站(Day of the Dead).docx

L05-寫作手冊pdf檔(Describing a Person in Your Class).pdf
L05-寫作手冊word檔(Describing a Person in Your Class).docx
L05-課文中英對照 (Kyoto).docx
L05-寫作手冊pdf檔(套紅)(Describing a Person in Your Class).pdf
L05-寫作手冊pdf檔(對頁)(Describing a Person in Your Class).pdf
L05-寫作手冊word檔(套紅)(Describing a Person in Your Class).docx
L05-寫作手冊word檔(對頁)(Describing a Person in Your Class).docx
L05- 課本PPT(Kyoto).pptx
L05-See a Film影片學習單(學用)(Kyoto).docx
L05-See a Film影片學習單(教用)(Kyoto).docx
L05-Thinking Ahead影片學習單(學用)(Kyoto).docx
L05-Thinking Ahead影片學習單(教用)(Kyoto).docx
L05-素養活動手冊影片(中英字幕版)(Kyoto)(07:29) [xyz88].mp4
L05-素養活動手冊影片(無字幕版)(Kyoto)(07:30) [xyz88].mp4
L05-素養活動手冊影片(英文字幕版)(Kyoto)(07:29) [xyz88].mp4
L05-All in One(學用版)(Kyoto).docx
L05-All in One(教用版)(Kyoto).docx
L05-All in One(簡答)(Kyoto).docx
L05-素養活動手冊影片(中英字幕版)(Kyoto)(07:29) [xyz88].mp4
L05-素養活動手冊影片(無字幕版)(Kyoto)(07:30) [xyz88].mp4
L05-素養活動手冊影片(英文字幕版)(Kyoto)(07:29) [xyz88].mp4
L05-See a Film影片(中英字幕對照)(Kyoto).docx
L05-See a Film影片學習單(學用)(Kyoto).docx
L05-See a Film影片學習單(教用)(Kyoto).docx
L05-Thinking Ahead影片(中英字幕對照)(Kyoto).docx
L05-Thinking Ahead影片學習單(學用)(Kyoto).docx
L05-Thinking Ahead影片學習單(教用)(Kyoto).docx
L05-課文動畫(中英字幕對照)(Kyoto)(03:23) [xyz88].mp4
L05-課文動畫(無字幕版)(Kyoto)(03:23) [xyz88].mp4
L05-課文動畫(英文字幕版)(Kyoto)(03:23) [xyz88].mp4
L05-課本Thinking Ahead影片(中英字幕對照)(Kyoto).docx
L05-課本Thinking Ahead影片(中英字幕版)(Kyoto)(02:31) [xyz88].mp4
L05-課本Thinking Ahead影片(無字幕版)(Kyoto)(02:31) [xyz88].mp4
L05-課本Thinking Ahead影片(英文字幕版)(Kyoto)(02:31) [xyz88].mp4
L05-素養活動手冊影片(中英字幕版)(Kyoto)(07:29) [xyz88].mp4
L05-素養活動手冊影片(無字幕版)(Kyoto)(07:30) [xyz88].mp4
L05-素養活動手冊影片(英文字幕版)(Kyoto)(07:29) [xyz88].mp4



B3-全冊解答-All in One.docx

D07_L6_My Life in Your Hands
L06-寫作手冊pdf檔(Writing about the Hero/Heroine You Admire Most).pdf
L06-課本pdf檔(My Life in Your Hands).pdf
L06-寫作手冊word檔(Writing about the Hero/Heroine You Admire Most).docx
L06-課本word檔(My Life in Your Hands).docx
L06-課文中英對照 (My Life in Your Hands).docx
L06-寫作手冊pdf檔(套紅)(Writing about the Hero/Heroine You Admire Most).pdf
L06-寫作手冊pdf檔(對頁)(Writing about the Hero/Heroine You Admire Most).pdf
L06-教師用書pdf檔(套紅)(My Life in Your Hands).pdf
L06-教師用書pdf檔(對頁)(My Life in Your Hands).pdf
L06-寫作手冊word檔(套紅)(Writing about the Hero/Heroine You Admire Most).docx
L06-寫作手冊word檔(對頁)(Writing about the Hero/Heroine You Admire Most).docx
L06-教師用書word檔(套紅)(My Life in Your Hands).docx
L06-教師用書word檔(對頁)(My Life in Your Hands).docx
L06- 課本PPT(My Life in Your Hands).pptx
L06-See a Film影片學習單(學用)(My Life in Your Hands).docx
L06-See a Film影片學習單(教用)(My Life in Your Hands).docx
L06-Thinking Ahead影片學習單(學用)(My Life in Your Hands).docx
L06-Thinking Ahead影片學習單(教用)(My Life in Your Hands).docx
L06-單字學習單(學用)(My Life in Your Hands).docx
L06-單字學習單(教用)(My Life in Your Hands).docx
L06-語用活動學習單(學用)(My Life in Your Hands).docx
L06-語用活動學習單(教用)(My Life in Your Hands).docx
L06-課文學習單(學用)(My Life in Your Hands).docx
L06-課文學習單(教用)(My Life in Your Hands).docx
L06-素養活動手冊(學用版)(My Life in Your Hands).docx
L06-素養活動手冊(教用版)(My Life in Your Hands).docx
L06-英文隨身讀(My Life in Your Hands).docx
L06-習作簿(學用版)(My Life in Your Hands).docx
L06-習作簿(教用版)(My Life in Your Hands).docx
L06-習作簿(簡答)(My Life in Your Hands).docx
L06-All in One(學用版)(My Life in Your Hands).docx
L06-All in One(教用版)(My Life in Your Hands).docx
L06-All in One(簡答)(My Life in Your Hands).docx
L06-三合一學習手冊(學用版)(My Life in Your Hands).docx
L06-三合一學習手冊(教用版)(My Life in Your Hands).docx
L06-三合一學習手冊(簡答)(My Life in Your Hands).docx
L06-素養活動手冊(學用版)(My Life in Your Hands).docx
L06-素養活動手冊(教用版)(My Life in Your Hands).docx
L06-課本單片中翻英(簡答)(My Life in Your Hands).docx
L06-課本單片中翻英(題目)(My Life in Your Hands).docx
L06-課本例句填空(簡答)(My Life in Your Hands).docx
L06-課本例句填空(題目)(My Life in Your Hands).docx
L06-課文單片填空(簡答)(My Life in Your Hands).docx
L06-課文單片填空(題目)(My Life in Your Hands).docx
L06-課文文法填空(簡答)(My Life in Your Hands).docx
L06-課文文法填空(題目)(My Life in Your Hands).docx
L06-課文綜合測驗(簡答)(My Life in Your Hands).docx
L06-課文綜合測驗(題目)(My Life in Your Hands).docx
L06-聽力測驗卷(卷一)(My Life in Your Hands).zip
L06-聽力測驗卷(卷二)(My Life in Your Hands).zip
L06-單字學習單(學用)(My Life in Your Hands).docx
L06-單字學習單(教用)(My Life in Your Hands).docx
L06-See a Film影片(中英字幕對照)(My Life in Your Hands).docx
L06-See a Film影片學習單(學用)(My Life in Your Hands).docx
L06-See a Film影片學習單(教用)(My Life in Your Hands).docx
L06-Thinking Ahead影片(中英字幕對照)(My Life in Your Hands).docx
L06-Thinking Ahead影片學習單(學用)(My Life in Your Hands).docx
L06-Thinking Ahead影片學習單(教用)(My Life in Your Hands).docx
L06-課文學習單(學用)(My Life in Your Hands).docx
L06-課文學習單(教用)(My Life in Your Hands).docx
L06-語用活動學習單(學用)(My Life in Your Hands).docx
L06-語用活動學習單(教用)(My Life in Your Hands).docx
L06-課文動畫(中英字幕對照)(My Life in Your Hands)(03:40) [xyz88].mp4
L06-課文動畫(無字幕版)(My Life in Your Hands)(03:40) [xyz88].mp4
L06-課文動畫(英文字幕版)(My Life in Your Hands)(03:40) [xyz88].mp4
L06-課本Thinking Ahead影片(中英字幕對照)(My Life in Your Hands).docx
L06-課本Thinking Ahead影片(中英字幕版)(My Life in Your Hands)(01:55) [xyz88].mp4
L06-課本Thinking Ahead影片(無字幕版)(My Life in Your Hands)(01:55) [xyz88].mp4
L06-課本Thinking Ahead影片(英文字幕版)(My Life in Your Hands)(01:55) [xyz88].mp4
L06-補充影片與網站(My Life in Your Hands).docx

D08_R2_The Mystery of the Disappearing Bees
R02-課本pdf檔(The Mystery of the Disappearing Bees).pdf
R02-課本word檔(The Mystery of the Disappearing Bees).docx
R02-課文中英對照 (The Mystery of the Disappearing).docx
R02-教師用書pdf檔(套紅)(The Mystery of the Disappearing Bees).pdf
R02-教師用書pdf檔(對頁)(The Mystery of the Disappearing Bees).pdf
R02-教師用書word檔(套紅)(The Mystery of the Disappearing Bees).docx
R02-教師用書word檔(對頁)(The Mystery of the Disappearing Bees).docx
R02- 課本PPT(The Mystery of the Disappearing Bees).pptx
R02-英文隨身讀(The Mystery of Disappearing Bees).docx
R02-習作簿(學用版)(The Mystery of the Disappearing Bees).docx
R02-習作簿(教用版)(The Mystery of the Disappearing Bees).docx
R02-習作簿(簡答)(The Mystery of the Disappearing Bees).docx
R02-All in One(學用版)(The Mystery of the Disappearing Bees).docx
R02-All in One(教用版)(The Mystery of the Disappearing Bees).docx
R02-All in One(簡答)(The Mystery of the Disappearing Bees).docx
R02-三合一學習手冊(學用版)(The Mystery of the Disappearing Bees).docx
R02-三合一學習手冊(教用版)(The Mystery of the Disappearing Bees).docx
R02-三合一學習手冊(簡答)(The Mystery of the Disappearing Bees).docx
R02-課本單片中翻英(簡答)(The Mystery of the Disappearing Bees).docx
R02-課本單片中翻英(題目)(The Mystery of the Disappearing Bees).docx
R02-課本例句填空(簡答)(The Mystery of Disappearing Bees).docx
R02-課本例句填空(題目)(The Mystery of Disappearing Bees).docx
R02-課文單片填空(簡答)(The Mystery of the Disappearing).docx
R02-課文單片填空(題目)(The Mystery of the Disappearing).docx
R02-課文文法填空(簡答)(The Mystery of the Disappearing).docx
R02-課文文法填空(題目)(The Mystery of the Disappearing).docx
R02-課文綜合測驗(簡答)(The Mystery of the Disappearing Bees).docx
R02-課文綜合測驗(題目)(The Mystery of the Disappearing Bees).docx
R02-聽力測驗卷(卷一)(The Mystery of the Disappearing Bees).zip
R02-聽力測驗卷(卷二)(The Mystery of the Disappearing Bees).zip
R02-課文動畫(中英字幕對照)(The Mystery of the Disappearing Bees)(03:50) [xyz88].mp4
R02-課文動畫(無字幕版)(The Mystery of the Disappearing Bees)(03:50) [xyz88].mp4
R02-課文動畫(英文字幕版)(The Mystery of the Disappearing Bees)(03:50) [xyz88].mp4
R02-補充影片與網站(The Mystery of the Disappearing Bees).docx

D09_L7_Bodies Speak Louder Than Words
L07-寫作手冊pdf檔(Writing about Reading One's Emotions).pdf
L07-課本pdf檔(Bodies Speak Louder Than Words).pdf
L07-寫作手冊word檔(Writing about Reading One’s Emotions).docx
L07-課本word檔(Bodies Speak Louder Than Words).docx
L07-課文中英對照 (Bodies Speak Louder Than Words).docx
L07-寫作手冊pdf檔(套紅)(Writing about Reading One's Emotions).pdf
L07-寫作手冊pdf檔(對頁)(Writing about Reading One's Emotions).pdf
L07-教師用書pdf檔(套紅)(Bodies Speak Louder Than Words).pdf
L07-教師用書pdf檔(對頁)(Bodies Speak Louder Than Words).pdf
L07-寫作手冊word檔(套紅)(Writing about Reading One’s Emotions).docx
L07-寫作手冊word檔(對頁)(Writing about Reading One’s Emotions).docx
L07-教師用書word檔(套紅)(Bodies Speak Louder Than Words).docx
L07-教師用書word檔(對頁)(Bodies Speak Louder Than Words).docx
L07- 課本PPT(Bodies Speak Louder Than Words).pptx
L07-See a Film影片學習單(學用)(Bodies Speak Louder Than Words).docx
L07-See a Film影片學習單(教用)(Bodies Speak Louder Than Words).docx
L07-Thinking Ahead影片學習單(學用)(Bodies Speak Louder Than Words).docx
L07-Thinking Ahead影片學習單(教用)(Bodies Speak Louder Than Words).docx
L07-單字學習單(學用)(Bodies Speak Louder Than Words).docx
L07-單字學習單(教用)(Bodies Speak Louder Than Words).docx
L07-語用活動學習單(學用)(Bodies Speak Louder Than Words).docx
L07-語用活動學習單(教用)(Bodies Speak Louder Than Words).docx
L07-課文學習單(學用)(Bodies Speak Louder Than Words).docx
L07-課文學習單(教用)(Bodies Speak Louder Than Words).docx
L07-素養活動手冊(學用版)(Bodies Speak Louder Than Words).docx
L07-素養活動手冊(教用版)(Bodies Speak Louder Than Words).docx
L07-素養活動手冊影片(中英字幕版)(Bodies Speak Louder Than Words)(05:33) [xyz88].mp4
L07-素養活動手冊影片(無字幕版)(Bodies Speak Louder Than Words)(05:33) [xyz88].mp4
L07-素養活動手冊影片(英文字幕版)(Bodies Speak Louder Than Words)(05:33) [xyz88].mp4
L07-英文隨身讀(Bodies Speak Louder Than Words).docx
L07-習作簿(學用版)(Bodies Speak Louder Than Words).docx
L07-習作簿(教用版)(Bodies Speak Louder Than Words).docx
L07-習作簿(簡答)(Bodies Speak Louder Than Words).docx
L07-All in One(學用版)(Bodies Speak Louder Than Words).docx
L07-All in One(教用版)(Bodies Speak Louder Than Words).docx
L07-All in One(簡答)(Bodies Speak Louder Than Words).docx
L07-三合一學習手冊(學用版)(Bodies Speak Louder Than Words).docx
L07-三合一學習手冊(教用版)(Bodies Speak Louder Than Words).docx
L07-三合一學習手冊(簡答)(Bodies Speak Louder Than Words).docx
L07-素養活動手冊(學用版)(Bodies Speak Louder Than Words).docx
L07-素養活動手冊(教用版)(Bodies Speak Louder Than Words).docx
L07-素養活動手冊影片(中英字幕版)(Bodies Speak Louder Than Words)(05:33) [xyz88].mp4
L07-素養活動手冊影片(無字幕版)(Bodies Speak Louder Than Words)(05:33) [xyz88].mp4
L07-素養活動手冊影片(英文字幕版)(Bodies Speak Louder Than Words)(05:33) [xyz88].mp4
L07-課本單片中翻英(簡答)(Bodies Speak Louder Than Words).docx
L07-課本單片中翻英(題目)(Bodies Speak Louder Than Words).docx
L07-課本例句填空(簡答)(Bodies Speak Louder Than Words).docx
L07-課本例句填空(題目)(Bodies Speak Louder Than Words).docx
L07-課文單片填空(簡答)(Bodies Speak Louder Than Words).docx
L07-課文單片填空(題目)(Bodies Speak Louder Than Words).docx
L07-課文文法填空(簡答)(Bodies Speak Louder Than Words).docx
L07-課文文法填空(題目)(Bodies Speak Louder Than Words).docx
L07-課文綜合測驗(簡答)(Bodies Speak Louder Than Words).docx
L07-課文綜合測驗(題目)(Bodies Speak Louder Than Words).docx
L07-聽力測驗卷(卷一)(Bodies Speak Louder Than Words).zip
L07-聽力測驗卷(卷二)(Bodies Speak Louder Than Words).zip
L07-單字學習單(學用)(Bodies Speak Louder Than Words).docx
L07-單字學習單(教用)(Bodies Speak Louder Than Words).docx
L07-See a Film影片(中英字幕對照)(Bodies Speak Louder Than Words).docx
L07-See a Film影片學習單(學用)(Bodies Speak Louder Than Words).docx
L07-See a Film影片學習單(教用)(Bodies Speak Louder Than Words).docx
L07-Thinking Ahead影片(中英字幕對照)(Bodies Speak Louder Than Words).docx
L07-Thinking Ahead影片學習單(學用)(Bodies Speak Louder Than Words).docx
L07-Thinking Ahead影片學習單(教用)(Bodies Speak Louder Than Words).docx
L07-課文學習單(學用)(Bodies Speak Louder Than Words).docx
L07-課文學習單(教用)(Bodies Speak Louder Than Words).docx
L07-語用活動學習單(學用)(Bodies Speak Louder Than Words).docx
L07-語用活動學習單(教用)(Bodies Speak Louder Than Words).docx
L07-課文動畫(中英字幕對照)(Bodies Speak Louder Than Words)(03:44) [xyz88].mp4
L07-課文動畫(無字幕版)(Bodies Speak Louder Than Words)(03:44) [xyz88].mp4
L07-課文動畫(英文字幕版)(Bodies Speak Louder Than Words)(03:44) [xyz88].mp4
L07-課本Thinking Ahead影片(中英字幕對照)(Bodies Speak Louder Than Words).docx
L07-課本Thinking Ahead影片(中英字幕版)(Bodies Speak Louder Than Words)(05:17) [xyz88].mp4
L07-課本Thinking Ahead影片(無字幕版)(Bodies Speak Louder Than Words)(05:17) [xyz88].mp4
L07-課本Thinking Ahead影片(英文字幕版)(Bodies Speak Louder Than Words)(05:17) [xyz88].mp4
L07-素養活動手冊影片(中英字幕版)(Bodies Speak Louder Than Words)(05:33) [xyz88].mp4
L07-素養活動手冊影片(無字幕版)(Bodies Speak Louder Than Words)(05:33) [xyz88].mp4
L07-素養活動手冊影片(英文字幕版)(Bodies Speak Louder Than Words)(05:33) [xyz88].mp4
L07-補充影片與網站(Body Speaks Louder Than Words).docx

D10_L8_Elephant Abuse
L08-寫作手冊pdf檔(Writing about Stray Animals).pdf
L08-課本pdf檔(Elephant Abuse).pdf
L08-寫作手冊word檔(Writing about Stray Animals).docx
L08-課本word檔(Elephant Abuse).docx
L08-課文中英對照 (Elephant Abuse).docx
L08-寫作手冊pdf檔(套紅)(Writing about Stray Animals).pdf
L08-寫作手冊pdf檔(對頁)(Writing about Stray Animals).pdf
L08-教師用書pdf檔(套紅)(Elephant Abuse).pdf
L08-教師用書pdf檔(對頁)(Elephant Abuse).pdf
L08-寫作手冊word檔(套紅)(Writing about Stray Animals).docx
L08-寫作手冊word檔(對頁)(Writing about Stray Animals).docx
L08-教師用書word檔(套紅)(Elephant Abuse).docx
L08-教師用書word檔(對頁)(Elephant Abuse).docx
L08- 課本PPT(Elephant Abuse).pptx
L08-See a Film影片學習單(學用)(Elephant Abuse).docx
L08-See a Film影片學習單(教用)(Elephant Abuse).docx
L08-Thinking Ahead影片學習單(學用)(Elephant Abuse).docx
L08-Thinking Ahead影片學習單(教用)(Elephant Abuse).docx
L08-單字學習單(學用)(Elephant Abuse).docx
L08-單字學習單(教用)(Elephant Abuse).docx
L08-語用活動學習單(學用)(Elephant Abuse).docx
L08-語用活動學習單(教用)(Elephant Abuse).docx
L08-課文學習單(學用)(Elephant Abuse).docx
L08-課文學習單(教用)(Elephant Abuse).docx
L08-素養活動手冊(學用版)(Elephant Abuse).docx
L08-素養活動手冊(教用版)(Elephant Abuse).docx
L08-英文隨身讀(Elephant Abuse).docx
L08-習作簿(學用版)(Elephant Abuse).docx
L08-習作簿(教用版)(Elephant Abuse).docx
L08-習作簿(簡答)(Elephant Abuse).docx
L08-All in One(學用版)(Elephant Abuse).docx
L08-All in One(教用版)(Elephant Abuse).docx
L08-All in One(簡答)(Elephant Abuse).docx
L08-三合一學習手冊(學用版)(Elephant Abuse).docx
L08-三合一學習手冊(教用版)(Elephant Abuse).docx
L08-三合一學習手冊(簡答)(Elephant Abuse).docx
L08-素養活動手冊(學用版)(Elephant Abuse).docx
L08-素養活動手冊(教用版)(Elephant Abuse).docx
L08-課本單片中翻英(簡答)(Elephant Abuse).docx
L08-課本單片中翻英(題目)(Elephant Abuse).docx
L08-課本例句填空(簡答)(Elephant Abuse).docx
L08-課本例句填空(題目)(Elephant Abuse).docx
L08-課文單片填空(簡答)(Elephant Abuse).docx
L08-課文單片填空(題目)(Elephant Abuse).docx
L08-課文文法填空(簡答)(Elephant Abuse).docx
L08-課文文法填空(題目)(Elephant Abuse).docx
L08-課文綜合測驗(簡答)(Elephant Abuse).docx
L08-課文綜合測驗(題目)(Elephant Abuse).docx
L08-聽力測驗卷(卷一)(Elephant Abuse).zip
L08-聽力測驗卷(卷二)(Elephant Abuse).zip
L08-單字學習單(學用)(Elephant Abuse).docx
L08-單字學習單(教用)(Elephant Abuse).docx
L08-See a Film影片(中英字幕對照)(Elephant Abuse).docx
L08-See a Film影片學習單(學用)(Elephant Abuse).docx
L08-See a Film影片學習單(教用)(Elephant Abuse).docx
L08-Thinking Ahead影片(中英字幕對照)(Elephant Abuse).docx
L08-Thinking Ahead影片學習單(學用)(Elephant Abuse).docx
L08-Thinking Ahead影片學習單(教用)(Elephant Abuse).docx
L08-課文學習單(學用)(Elephant Abuse).docx
L08-課文學習單(教用)(Elephant Abuse).docx
L08-語用活動學習單(學用)(Elephant Abuse).docx
L08-語用活動學習單(教用)(Elephant Abuse).docx
L08-課文動畫(中英字幕對照)(Elephant Abuse)(03:26) [xyz88].mp4
L08-課文動畫(無字幕版)(Elephant Abuse)(03:25) [xyz88].mp4
L08-課文動畫(英文字幕版)(Elephant Abuse)(03:25) [xyz88].mp4
L08-課本Thinking Ahead影片(中英字幕對照)(Elephant Abuse).docx
L08-課本Thinking Ahead影片(中英字幕版)(Elephant Abuse)(02:48) [xyz88].mp4
L08-課本Thinking Ahead影片(無字幕版)(Elephant Abuse)(02:48) [xyz88].mp4
L08-課本Thinking Ahead影片(英文字幕版)(Elephant Abuse)(02:48) [xyz88].mp4
L08-補充影片與網站(Elepant Abuse).docx

D11_L9_Mazu Mania
L09-寫作手冊pdf檔(Writing an Invitation Letter).pdf
L09-課本pdf檔(Mazu Mania).pdf
L09-寫作手冊word檔(Writing an Invitation Letter).docx
L09-課本word檔(Mazu Mania).docx
L09-課文中英對照 (Mazu Mania).docx
L09-寫作手冊pdf檔(套紅)(Writing an Invitation Letter).pdf
L09-寫作手冊pdf檔(對頁)(Writing an Invitation Letter).pdf
L09-教師用書pdf檔(套紅)(Mazu Mania).pdf
L09-教師用書pdf檔(對頁)(Mazu Mania).pdf
L09-寫作手冊word檔(套紅)(Writing an Invitation Letter).docx
L09-寫作手冊word檔(對頁)(Writing an Invitation Letter).docx
L09-教師用書word檔(套紅)(Mazu Mania).docx
L09-教師用書word檔(對頁)(Mazu Mania).docx
L09- 課本PPT(Mazu).pptx
L09-See a Film影片學習單(學用)(Mazu Mania).docx
L09-See a Film影片學習單(教用)(Mazu Mania).docx
L09-Thinking Ahead影片學習單(學用)(Mazu Mania).docx
L09-Thinking Ahead影片學習單(教用)(Mazu Mania).docx
L09-單字學習單(學用)(Mazu Mania).docx
L09-單字學習單(教用)(Mazu Mania).docx
L09-語用活動學習單(學用)(Mazu Mania).docx
L09-語用活動學習單(教用)(Mazu Mania).docx
L09-課文學習單(學用)(Mazu Mania).docx
L09-課文學習單(教用)(Mazu Mania).docx
L09-素養活動手冊(學用版) (Mazu Mania).docx
L09-素養活動手冊(教用版) (Mazu Mania).docx
L09-素養活動手冊影片(中英字幕版)(Mazu Mania)(08:14) [xyz88].mp4
L09-素養活動手冊影片(無字幕版)(Mazu Mania)(08:14) [xyz88].mp4
L09-素養活動手冊影片(英文字幕版)(Mazu Mania)(08:14) [xyz88].mp4
L09-英文隨身讀(Mazu Mania).docx
L09-習作簿(學用版)(Mazu Mania).docx
L09-習作簿(教用版)(Mazu Mania).docx
L09-習作簿(簡答)(Mazu Mania).docx
L09-All in One(學用版)(Mazu Mania).docx
L09-All in One(教用版)(Mazu Mania).docx
L09-All in One(簡答)(Mazu Mania).docx
L09-三合一學習手冊(學用版)(Mazu Mania).docx
L09-三合一學習手冊(教用版)(Mazu Mania).docx
L09-三合一學習手冊(簡答)(Mazu Mania).docx
L09-素養活動手冊(學用版) (Mazu Mania).docx
L09-素養活動手冊(教用版) (Mazu Mania).docx
L09-素養活動手冊影片(中英字幕版)(Mazu Mania)(08:14) [xyz88].mp4
L09-素養活動手冊影片(無字幕版)(Mazu Mania)(08:14) [xyz88].mp4
L09-素養活動手冊影片(英文字幕版)(Mazu Mania)(08:14) [xyz88].mp4
L09-課本單片中翻英(簡答)(Mazu Mania).docx
L09-課本單片中翻英(題目)(Mazu Mania).docx
L09-課本例句填空(簡答)(Mazu Mania).docx
L09-課本例句填空(題目)(Mazu Mania).docx
L09-課文單片填空(簡答)(Mazu Mania).docx
L09-課文單片填空(題目)(Mazu Mania).docx
L09-課文文法填空(簡答)(Mazu Mania).docx
L09-課文文法填空(題目)(Mazu Mania).docx
L09-課文綜合測驗(簡答)(Mazu Mania).docx
L09-課文綜合測驗(題目)(Mazu Mania).docx
L09-聽力測驗卷(卷一)(Mazu Mania).zip
L09-聽力測驗卷(卷二)(Mazu Mania).zip
L09-單字學習單(學用)(Mazu Mania).docx
L09-單字學習單(教用)(Mazu Mania).docx
L09-See a Film影片(中英字幕對照)(Mazu Mania).docx
L09-See a Film影片學習單(學用)(Mazu Mania).docx
L09-See a Film影片學習單(教用)(Mazu Mania).docx
L09-Thinking Ahead影片(中英字幕對照)(Mazu Mania).docx
L09-Thinking Ahead影片學習單(學用)(Mazu Mania).docx
L09-Thinking Ahead影片學習單(教用)(Mazu Mania).docx
L09-課文學習單(學用)(Mazu Mania).docx
L09-課文學習單(教用)(Mazu Mania).docx
L09-語用活動學習單(學用)(Mazu Mania).docx
L09-語用活動學習單(教用)(Mazu Mania).docx
L09-課文動畫(中英字幕對照)(Mazu Mania)(03:40) [xyz88].mp4
L09-課文動畫(無字幕版)(Mazu Mania)(03:40) [xyz88].mp4
L09-課文動畫(英文字幕版)(Mazu Mania)(03:40) [xyz88].mp4
L09-課本Thinking Ahead影片(中英字幕對照)(Mazu Mania).docx
L09-課本Thinking Ahead影片(中英字幕版)(Mazu Mania)(03:45) [xyz88].mp4
L09-課本Thinking Ahead影片(無字幕版)(Mazu Mania)(03:45) [xyz88].mp4
L09-課本Thinking Ahead影片(英文字幕版)(Mazu Mania)(03:45) [xyz88].mp4
L09-素養活動手冊影片(中英字幕版)(Mazu Mania)(08:14) [xyz88].mp4
L09-素養活動手冊影片(無字幕版)(Mazu Mania)(08:14) [xyz88].mp4
L09-素養活動手冊影片(英文字幕版)(Mazu Mania)(08:14) [xyz88].mp4
L09-補充影片與網站(Mazu Mania).docx

D12_R3_Fast Fashion, But at What Cost?
R03-課本pdf檔(Fast Fashion, But at What Cost?).pdf
R03-課本word檔(Fast Fashion, But at What Cost?).docx
R03-課文中英對照 (Fast Fashion, But at What Cost?).docx
R03-教師用書pdf檔(套紅)(Fast Fashion But at What Cost).pdf
R03-教師用書pdf檔(對頁)(Fast Fashion But at What Cost).pdf
R03-教師用書word檔(套紅)(Fast Fashion But At What Cost).docx
R03-教師用書word檔(對頁)(Fast Fashion But At What Cost).docx
R03- 課本PPT(Fast Fashion, But at What Cost).pptx
R03-英文隨身讀(Fast Fashion, But at What Cost?).docx
R03-習作簿(學用版)(Fast Fashion, But at What Cost).docx
R03-習作簿(教用版)(Fast Fashion, But at What Cost).docx
R03-習作簿(簡答)(Fast Fashion, But at What Cost).docx
R03-All in One(學用版)(Fast Fashion, But at What Cost?).docx
R03-All in One(教用版)(Fast Fashion, But at What Cost?).docx
R03-All in One(簡答)(Fast Fashion, But at What Cost?).docx
R03-三合一學習手冊(學用版)(Fast Fashion, But at What Cost?).docx
R03-三合一學習手冊(教用版)(Fast Fashion, But at What Cost?).docx
R03-三合一學習手冊(簡答)(Fast Fashion, But at What Cost?).docx
R03-課本單片中翻英(簡答)(Fast Fashion, But at What Cost?).docx
R03-課本單片中翻英(題目)(Fast Fashion, But at What Cost?).docx
R03-課本例句填空(簡答)(Fast Fashion, But at What Cost?).docx
R03-課本例句填空(題目)(Fast Fashion, But at What Cost?).docx
R03-課文單片填空(簡答)(Fast Fashion, But at What Cost?).docx
R03-課文單片填空(題目)(Fast Fashion, But at What Cost?).docx
R03-課文文法填空(簡答)(Fast Fashion, But at What Cost?).docx
R03-課文文法填空(題目)(Fast Fashion, But at What Cost?).docx
R03-課文綜合測驗(簡答)(Fast Fashion, But at What Cost).docx
R03-課文綜合測驗(題目)(Fast Fashion, But at What Cost).docx
R03-聽力測驗卷(卷一)(Fast Fashion, But at What Cost).zip
R03-聽力測驗卷(卷二)(Fast Fashion, But at What Cost).zip
R03-課文動畫(中英字幕對照)(Fast Fashion, But at What Cost)(04:03) [xyz88].mp4
R03-課文動畫(無字幕版)(Fast Fashion, But at What Cost)(04:03) [xyz88].mp4
R03-課文動畫(英文字幕版)(Fast Fashion, But at What Cost)(04:03) [xyz88].mp4
R03-補充影片與網站(Fast Fashion, But at What Cost?).docx



PPT使用 Q&A.docx




  • 110學年上學期 高中 翰林版 英文科 2年級 電子書 教學光碟
  • 110學年上學期 高中 龍騰版 英文科 3年級 教學光碟
  • 110學年上學期 高中 龍騰版 歷史科 2年級 教學光碟
  • 110學年上學期 高中 龍騰版 英文科 1年級 教學光碟
  • 110學年上學期 高中 龍騰版 英文科 1-3年級 配套教材電子檔 教學光碟

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